10ª Étape 2015: Tarbes - La Pierre-Saint-Martin 167km

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26 Maggio 2011
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Merida Scultura 6000\Giant tcr composite 1\Giant tcx slr 2
ieri il team sky ha rilasciato i dati di froome relativi all'ultima salita della tappa è inglese ma si capisce benissimo.

Analysis of final 15.3km of the stage
(It is difficult to identify the exact start point of the climb as there is no clear landmark defining the start.)

Time: 41:28

Average power: 414w

VAM: 1602

Chris's weight: 67.5kg

Corrected power/weight for the whole climb: 5.78w/kg

When used in conjunction with osymetric chainrings, power meters over-report power by approximately 6%. The above figure of 5.78 w/kg is corrected to take this into account. Without making this correction, the power/weight would be 6.13w/kg. All other power values stated here are the actual reported power values - i.e. not corrected.

(To go from this value to estimates of physiology (e.g. VO2max) requires assumptions about relative aerobic and anaerobic contribution, sustainable percentage of VO2max for the duration of the climb, and efficiency and economy of the rider. There is significant margin for compounding error in making these such assumptions.)

Gearing:​ 52-38 / 11-28

Average Cadence:​ 97rpm

Average HR: 158

Maximum HR: 174

This is a very high heart rate for Chris suggesting that he has reached the second week of the Tour/bottom of the climb in a relatively fresh state. By comparison, Chris's maximum HR in the second week of the Tour in 2013 was 168. In the Vuelta 2014, it was 171.

"The Attack"
Duration:​ 24s

Average Power: 556w

Peak power: 929w

10s power: 652w​ (

Average Cadence: 102rpm

Average Speed:​ 25.3kph

Maximum Speed:​ 27.7kph

Power for the 4 minutes before the attack: 449w (18.2kph, 1777VAM, 9.8% gradient, 94 rpm)

Power for the 4 minutes after the attack: 435w (20.4kph, 1718VAM, 8.4% gradient, 103 rpm)

After the initial attack, when Chris continued to ride away from the field, his power and climbing speed (VAM) were lower than before the attack.

Comparisons with Chris's performance in the past:

30min power: 419w

Chris has exceeded this level (by as much as 10%) on 16 occasions over the past 4 years in racing and training

60min power (run-in plus climb): 366w

Chris has exceeded this level on 15 occasions over the past 4 years in racing and training

Comparison with Stage 12 - Plateau de Beille - where there was a front group of 9 riders:

30min power: 414w​ (5 watts less)

60min power: 373w ​(7 watts more)

Read more at http://www.teamsky.com/teamsky/home/article/59618#Cmv1CXCvZmjPKqhk.99
12 Maggio 2011
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non posso metter bocca sui dati complessivi della salita, ma i dati dell'attacco sono errati in particolar modo la potenza media e la velocità media e di conseguenza massima...
per curiosità ho stimato che nei 200m, da -6.4km a -6.2km all'8% medio, durante il primo attacco di "St. Martin" Froome ha impiegato 31'' sprigionando 950W...
Dai -6.2Km ai -5.2km impiega 2'52'' con una potenza stimata media di quasi 485W e velocità di 23.7km/h!


28 Febbraio 2015
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di acciaio
non posso metter bocca sui dati complessivi della salita, ma i dati dell'attacco sono errati in particolar modo la potenza media e la velocità media e di conseguenza massima...
per curiosità ho stimato che nei 200m, da -6.4km a -6.2km all'8% medio, durante il primo attacco di "St. Martin" Froome ha impiegato 31'' sprigionando 950W...
Dai -6.2Km ai -5.2km impiega 2'52'' con una potenza stimata media di quasi 485W e velocità di 23.7km/h!
Non li vedo cosi' distanti...non credo abbia fatto 950w medi nei 30sec possibile li abbia raggiunti come picco.

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