In allegato la brochure della PBP con il regolamento ... se vedi all' ARTICLE 2 viene detta la seguente cosa:
Entry Conditions
Paris-Brest-Paris Randonneur® is open to FFCT, UFOLEP and FSGT members in 2015, as well as to all international riders.
The minimum age is 18 years at the date of the start. Riders must have completed a Super Randonneur brevet series (200, 300, 400 and 600 km) of ACP-sanctioned brevets in 2015, which are run in many countries by duly ACP-approved organizers. Any ACP-sanctioned brevet of a higher distance can be substituted for a missed brevet.
In pratica un brevetto da 400 o da 600 puo' sostituire un brevetto da 300.
Gran bella notizia grazie infinite.
Se ci troviamo la birra te la offro volentieri basta che me lo ricordi