In generale perdi ciò che tralasci troppo a lungo. Quindi in ottica di mantenere una capacità, prevenire de-allenamento in periodi a ridotto carico allenante, e poter iniziare prima lo sviluppo della stagione successiva può essere una buona idea - con la giusta frequenza (ho dato per scontato "tutto l'anno" = anche nei periodi lontani da periodi agonistici).quindi pensi che anche l'alta intensità vada mantenuta tutto l'anno?

The Inclusion of Sprints in Low-Intensity Sessions During the Transition Period of Elite Cyclists Improves Endurance Performance 6 Weeks Into the Subsequent Preparatory Period - PubMed
Including sprints in a weekly LIT session during the transition period of elite cyclists provided a performance advantage 6 weeks into the subsequent PREP, which coincided with a higher performance VO2.

HIT maintains performance during the transition period and improves next season performance in well-trained cyclists - PubMed
The present findings suggest that HIT sessions should be incorporated during the transition phase to avoid reduction in fitness and performance level and thereby increase the likelihood of improved performance from the end of one season to the beginning of the subsequent season.

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