scusa, mi era sfuggito, da una breve ricerca in molti hanno avuto gli stessi problemi e pare abbiano risolto calibrando con trainerroad e giocando sulla pressione del rullinoSi certo, come avevo scritto:
"Saris mette a disposizione solo una app molto basic, che permette solo di fare update del firmware (che ho fatto) e la calibrazione (che ho già fatto un paio di volte, senza miglioramenti)"
Posso provare a modificare la pressione del rullino sulla gomma (che ora è elevata perché in questo rullo la manopola deve essere girata finché non va alla pressione di regime, oltre il quale non gira più), e poi a ricalibrare di nuovo. Altre variabili non ne vedo.
"Calibration: Tightening the yellow resistance knob leaves a lot to be desired. My first attempt nearly pinched my 110psi road tire against the rim and it never clicked. This seemed wrong, so a few internet searches later, I found that many people had this problem. Some people claim the massive amount of tension ruined their tires, or rim, and some even bent the trainer frame itself. I found someone who said theirs clicked after 8 full turns, so I tried mine while keeping an eye on the frame. It finally clicked after 9 full turns (good idea to put a pencil mark on the knob so you can track each full turn). I then first ran the calibration from the Saris app. The tension was so high I was not able to get the bike up to speed. I then tried the calibration on TrainerRoad, which did not work at all (more on that later). I then backed off the knob by 4 turns. This made calibration possible. I tried to start a TrainerRoad workout in ERG mode, but the resistance was not changing. When the M2 paired with TrainerRoad the app actually found two devices, one was the Magnus and the other was a Sairs+ANT. I disabled the Magnus in the TrainerRoad device setup and ran the calibration on the Saris+ANT entry. This worked much better. I started the workout and ERG mode automatically changed the resistance as expected. But, the tension was still too high. I have been riding for many years, both indoor and out. I know what 200 watts feels like and this wasn't it! So, I backed out the yellow resistance knob a few more turns and ran the calibration in TrainerRoad again. Things finally started to feel somewhat normal."