la maggior parte di noi amatori, per non dire la totalita, ci alleniamo seguendo schemi preconfezionati,predefiniti in micro, meso e macrocicli.
alterniamo giorni di carico ad atri di scarico in modo schematizzato.
ci basiamo sulla convinzione che miglioramenti nella performance e adattamenti fisiologici siano simili per ogni individuo seguendo schemi previsti in anticipo.
pero questi schemi non tengono conto che ogni individuo risponde in maniera individuale allo stress dell allenamento. ieri si parlava del tss.
ci sono ricerche che mettono a confronto questo tipo di schematismo nel training e un altro metodo che consiste nella modulazione dell allenamento giorno per giorno in base alla variabilita del battito cardiaco.
''It has been proposed that functional assessment of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) could provide valuable information concerning certain physiological responses to training.
10 The ANS regulates fundamental processes of direct relevance to overall recovery, for example, by controlling the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, removal of waste products that accumulate during exercise, and thermoregulation by the cardiovascular system.
9 Consequently, alterations in ANS regulation reflect certain aspects of the restoration of cardiovascular homeostasis and may aid in identification of balance between training and recovery.
In practice, regulation of the ANS can be assessed by different parameters of heart rate variability (HRV), that is, the variation in the
time interval between consecutive heartbeats.
12 HRV reflects the balance between parasympathetic (vagal) and sympathetic activation, a key aspect of recovery and stress.
13 Thus, negative responses to training and/or non‐functional overreaching are associated with reductions in vagal indices of HRV (and therefore impaired recovery), whereas increases in such indices are associated with improvements in performance.
14 Consequently, measurement of HRV in association with adaptations and responses to exercise may assist in the planning of training.
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